Partnership focuses on data centre water usage

InfraPrime and Iceotope in Partnership to reduce and eliminate water consumption for Net Zero PowerShell® Sites throughout the data center life cycle; leverages circular economy to boost the full potential of circular businesses for sustainable economic growth and resilience future. We promote Net Positive results WUE 0.00 to power 24/7 Net Zero Data Center Projects on global scale. Water Usage Effectiveness (WUE).

InfraPrime and Iceotope join to take action towards the race to net zero to address the digital transformation quickening trend for market adoption of water resource efficient net zero data centers. The overexploitation of natural resources required to achieve economic growth and development of data center builds has had a negative impact on the environment while also causing these resources especially water to become scarcer and costlier. Circular economy offers new ways to create a more sustainable economic growth model while digitalization continues to power optimization of resources used within the ICT sector.

Europe is expected to be Climate Neutral by 2030 with the data center pioneers’ new load absorption across the regions. InfraPrime’s Clean Hydrogen Partnership with the New Consortium of seven members; Equinix, InfraPrime, RISE, Snam, SolidPower, Tec4Fuels, Vertiv) lead Low Carbon Fuel Cell Development with Data Center with the European Union sponsored projects.

InfraPrime provides Net Zero PowerShell® sites nationwide with reduced and zero consumption of water at each site to align with the ambition of the Carbon Neutral Data Center Pact for site selection. Concurrently, each site has access of clean energy grid with the Electric Utility providers in duality with InfraPrime Carbon Free Energy (CFE) services on premise and emission decarbonization reporting; all optimized for water efficiency by Iceotope immersion cooling systems, InstantOn leading microgrid services to minimize per kilowatt/hour energy spend in collaboration with numerous nationwide electric utilities in the west, south and east regions in North America to take action for carbon neutrality pathways towards net positive results.

Today the world urbanization rate is 55% which means we already have 4.2 billion people living in urban areas. Urban transformation in the post pandemic has occurred effectively everywhere, though at varying rates. The Americas and Europe are already heavily urban with Oceania also majority urban today. Much of the urbanization in the coming decades is expected to take place in Asia and Africa. In fact, the United Nations report estimates that India alone will have its urban population grow by 416 million by 2050. Tokyo is currently the biggest city in the world, counting by its “urban area” as measured by the UN. It’s followed by New Delhi, Shanghai, São Paulo, and Mexico City. In fact, for those of you who didn’t know, today half of the 20 largest metropolitan areas in the world are in Asia where water is scarce to support the urban communities, humans and livestock consumption.

New type of data centers located inside the urban communities are best described as Edge Computing. The characteristics of edge computer data centers are that IT hubs provide the interconnection element of computing consisting of physical and digital aspects to serve data collection, data processing; all

without using the Internet for low latency communication for the local communities. The massive growth of the Electric Vehicles, EV charging stations become an edge computing data station to communicate with the EV, the data communications are pervasive between the end point devices such as EVs and IIoT devices to edge data centers allowing multiple users access, multiple communications, data gathering, correlating are done in milliseconds to ensure autonomous vehicles performing its optimal form to promote safety in a densely populated urban areas and to simulate a real time driver user experience.

In North America, there is an expected need for 20–40-Gigawatt net zero load absorption by 2030. The aim of the Net Zero PowerShell® at the edge will require it to be 75% carbon neutral by 2025 and 100% by 2030 for energy consumption across our national footprint. It is crucial for each of these sites to provide Net Positive results for our Carbon Neutrality EV infrastructure, IIOT and edge colocation to harmonize with the environment requirements to provide social benefits to the urban communities.

“Iceotope is a big proponent of Net Zero and has the cooling technology to make it happen. The InfraPrime Iceotope partnership is as exciting as it is formidable, and we look forward to working together to drive new deployments on the Net Zero Pathway to Carbon Neutrality.” Said David Craig, CEO of Iceotope.

“InfraPrime Iceotope partnership embraces zero water-efficient requirements for the Net Zero PowerShell®.'' said Susanna Kass, a member of Climate 50, topmost influencer for low carbon footprint future and Dr. Alberto Ravagni, InfraPrime co-founders. “Our clients can be transparent in their accountability of resource usage by sharing Net Positive results to tackle Climate Change starting in 2022 towards their Carbon Neutrality plan by 2030. We are excited to work with Iceotope immersion cooling systems to drive new deployments. Proven 100kW POD with WUE 0.00 using 3.4kW power total using Iceotope immersion cooling; supports a varied rack density i.e. 46kW per rack. InfraPrime Net Zero PowerShell® is available to scale to 200-400 megawatts campus deployment with a Net Zero Pathway to meet the Carbon Neutrality (Positive) results.”

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