Study highlights the importance of responsible innovation to the future of quantum computing

Whitepaper examines the development of emerging technologies and the role of responsible innovation.

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Keysight and AIST partner for quantum research

Collaboration to drive the industrialization of quantum technologies in Japan and around the world formalized with Memorandum of Understanding.

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IBM and Pasqal collaborate

IBM Pasqal, as leaders in superconducting circuit and neutral atom-based quantum computers respectively, are to partner to develop a common approach to quantum-centric supercomputing and promoting application research in chemistry and materials science.

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Quantinuum launches trapped-ion 56-qubit quantum computer

Quantinuum and JPMorgan Chase achieved a 100x improvement over the existing industry benchmark using Quantinuum’s H2-1 quantum computer.

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Scientists make quantum breakthrough in 2D materials

Scientists have discovered that a ‘single atomic defect' in a layered 2D material can hold onto quantum information for microseconds at room temperature, underscoring the potential of 2D materials in advancing quantum technologies.

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DigiCert establishes World Quantum Readiness Day

Digital Trust leader spearheads initiative to educate and prepare organizations for quantum computing.

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IBM Pasqal, as leaders in superconducting circuit and neutral atom-based quantum computers...
The new funding will accelerate Nu Quantum’s mission to build the entanglement fabric essential...
On stage at the IBM Summit, Algorithmiq unveils 'unprecedented' error mitigation results of a large...
Platform leverages new 64 qubit superconducting quantum computer to accelerate R&D for quantum...
Development towards more powerful quantum computers continues.
Toshiba has officially opened the new, cutting edge Quantum Technology Centre in a ceremony...
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DCW 2024: DCS talks to Phil Smith, Airsys

In this video we talk to Airsys at Data Centre World 2024

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