Neue Pivotal One™Plattform integriert neue Datenstrukturen, moderne Programmier-Frameworks, Cloud-Fähigkeit und setzt damit neuen Standard für Enterprise PaaS
Read MoreMit der Veröffentlichung von Acronis Small Office: Server Cloud Backup kommt eine sichere, problemlose und benutzerfreundliche Lösung für Datensicherung in die Cloud auf den Markt, die für Kleinunternehmen und Heimbüros entwickelt wurde
Read MoreLen Padilla, Vice President of Product Strategy at leading global ICT service provider NTT Europe, discusses when the time is right for businesses to move to the cloud.
Read MoreCalligo, the ‘most technically advanced and comprehensive’ offshore cloud service provider, has announced the opening of its second hosting location in Guernsey, in partnership with Cable & Wireless Communications (CWC).
Read MoreSMBs (small to medium sized businesses) that have used the power of the Internet to grow their businesses are driving the UK’s economic recovery, according to figures released by Barclays today. British Internet companies are growing 50 times faster than the rest of the country, and are being touted as the key to slow but sure economic growth.
Read MoreAward-winning eCommerce company doubles business while reducing infrastructure by 50 per cent.
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