Für das Management seiner IT-Infrastruktur hat der ADAC Nordbayern in Nürnberg Dell-KACE-Systemverwaltungs-Appliances eingeführt. Damit konnte der regionale Automobilclub die Effektivität seiner IT deutlich erhöhen und die Produktivität seiner Belegschaft weiter steigern
Read MoreMetaways hat ein neues Core-Release von Arcavias vorgestellt. Das Open-Source-E-Commerce-Framework bietet neben zahlreichen Neuerungen insbesondere eine asymmetrische Hochsicherheitsverschlüsselung für zahlungsbezogene Daten.
Read MorePeople may be using the internet in order to cope with the demands of excessive work, and this coping strategy is not restricted to the young. These are the findings reported at the Annual Conference of the British Psychological Society’s Division of Occupational Psychology in Brighton, by Dr Cristina Quinones-Garcia of Northampton Business School and Professor Nada Korac-Kakabadse of Henley Business School.
Read MoreIaaS and PaaS service provider, Carrenza, selected by wine retailer, Majestic, as the solution for its flagging ecommerce operation
Read MoreThe Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas now has the potential to play a role in users defining what systems, services and tools that make sense as part of their business going forward
Read MoreContinuity Software has announced the results of the Continuity Software IT Operations Analytics Benchmark. Based on results collected across a variety of industry verticals - including financial services, healthcare, manufacturing, and retail - the benchmark underscores the importance of operational analytics in meeting IT performance goals.
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