Do men in tech recognize gender inequality yet?

Latest survey reveals men still slow to acknowledge sexism and misogyny in tech industry.

  • 11 months ago Posted in

As a subject with its own Wikipedia page, sexism in tech has seen serious discussion in niche tech publications and mainstream outlets alike over the last decade. Gender inequality is first and foremost a moral concern. But in the context of the tech industry, it’s also a logistical concern as more than 50% of women in tech are likely to quit the industry before the age of 35.

Being able to retain women tech professionals is a concern for the immediate and long-term future of the industry – particularly in the context of a widening skills gap.

To gain further insight into ongoing disparities in tech, Nigel Frank International, a Tenth Revolution Group company, has gauged the attitudes of men currently working in the cloud space.

Survey Results

When thinking about your organization, do you agree that men and women are treated equally?

Agree 80%

Disagree 6%

Neither 14%

Responding to these stark percentages, Nigel Frank International Chairman and CEO James Lloyd-Townshend said: “Our survey encompassed more than a thousand men currently working as tech professionals and I have to say, the results are startling. I’d love to know what percentage of the men who feel there’s no gender inequality in their organization have reached that conclusion through actual conversations with the women in their workplace.”

“It’s common for those who don’t experience inequality to ignore or deny its prevalence. What we need is more engagement, observation, listening – and ultimately allyship, from men in tech.”

Tips for men to support the women in their workplace

#1: Feedback

There’s no substitute for listening to the experiences of your colleagues. Men in tech should be working to create environments in which women are empowered to be honest about their workplace experiences and where their suggestions will be taken seriously.

#2: Harness existing resources

There’s a wealth of incredible resources available for men interested in understanding and working to break down gender inequality in the workplace. From reading lists to podcasts, finding a medium that works for you and pursuing your own ongoing learning has never been more accessible.

#3: Vouch for your colleagues

In tech, as in most businesses, recommendations are invaluable and can make a huge difference to someone’s career trajectory. Although men might instinctively vouch for the men in their teams, ensuring that you keep the same energy for your women colleagues is vital – especially when it comes to leadership roles, whether that’s heading a project or a promotion track. 

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