RNT RAUSCH to launch Hibagon Mobile Data Safe®

Transfer large amounts of data physically and securely from one location to another.

  • 3 years ago Posted in

Data transfers play an important role in filmmaking and video production. Raw footage material and partially enhanced videos sometimes have to cross vast distances to reach post-production teams or studio executives for further editing or review - and not seldom they are reaching in the Terabytes.

Many post-production studios use FTP to transfer media files. However, FTP has substantial limitations with an untenable high failure rate, file transfers being too slow, and security issues. Along with other non-media solutions, FTP is often a banned solution at large corporations for security and performance reasons.

With RNT’s latest innovation, large amounts of data can be physically and securely transferred from A to B or even from cloud to cloud. Hibagon Mobile Data Safe is a robust, shock-proof and water resistant storage device that transports data across companies, cities, countries and continents irrespective of weather conditions and transportation vehicles. The stored data is encrypted and will stay safe and secure throughout the entire duration of the journey.

Your armoured storage system for secure transfer of large data

This armoured storage system is not a service — by owning the physical device the owner will always stay in full control of the data that is stored on Hibagon. Typical challenges associated with large data transfers like bandwidth bottlenecks, poor internet connections or costly data transfer fees can be eliminated.

Use Hibagon if you want to migrate large amounts of data from or to the cloud:

// Initial transfer from on-premise data to a private or public cloud

// Move data from offline tapes securely to the cloud when you're limited by time

// Offline transfer of uber sensitive data for compliance and security reasons

// Move older backup files to the cloud to save cost

Yet, the entertainment industry is not the only one that benefits from RNT’s innovative, mobile data safe. Emergency situations can happen everywhere — when a disaster strikes, quick access to mission critical data is vital. Whether the lights are out due to a ransomware attack or severe weather conditions, Hibagon allows to restore essential data to an on-premise network in a short time.

Ideal for: Media and entertainment, Military, Healthcare, Public Sector, Cloud Service Providers, Finance, and all businesses with a need for secure content distribution

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