FSCS chooses Capgemini as strategic technology partner

Capgemini has been selected as the strategic technology partner for the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). Under the five-year new agreement, Capgemini will work with FSCS to drive innovation through the adoption of digital, cloud and application technologies, a key part of its 2020 strategy.

  • 4 years ago Posted in
Capgemini will work with FSCS’s Digital, Change and CIO teams to accelerate the implementation of new technologies, such as the migration of applications to the cloud and improving the use of data analytics to speed up the journey to becoming an insights-driven organization. Capgemini will

also support the evolution of skills and capabilities within the CIO function and broader FSCS employee base to enable them to make better use of technology to continually improve culture and performance within the organization.


Over the course of the next five years, Capgemini will work with the FSCS to undertake longer-term planning and strategy to ensure its digital transformation program is implemented efficiently and with reduced delivery risks.


Paul Brocklehurst, Chief Information Officer at FSCS, said, “We have started our journey to deliver FSCS’s new strategy, ‘FSCS into the 2020s: Protecting the Future’, which identifies the challenges of the coming decade and our priorities in meeting them. We recognize that technology is key to the successful delivery of this strategy, which requires us to meet increasing business and customer expectations. I am absolutely delighted that we will be working with Capgemini as our strategic technology partner who I know will help us rise to the challenges ahead.”


Andrew Diaper, Vice President, Banking at Capgemini said, “We are thrilled to be chosen as the strategic technology partner for FSCS to deliver the organization’s digital transformation strategy. This strengthens our existing relationship with the FSCS and I am confident we will be able to introduce innovative ways of working to deliver and support the new business strategy. With accelerated innovation at its core, the program will deliver both improved services and greater efficiencies, and together we have the energy, ambition and drive to achieve this.”

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