oVirt 3.4 enhances developer experience

Community collaborates to advance open virtualization solution based on KVM.

  • 10 years ago Posted in

The oVirt project, the open-source, openly governed KVM virtualization management project; has announced the general availability of oVirt 3.4, a community-driven open virtual datacenter management platform. This latest community release includes several new features, including hosted engine; improved storage and scheduling; and a preview of hot-plug CPU and PPC64 support features.

Developed by a global community, oVirt offers advanced virtualization capabilities, including high availability, live migration, live storage migration, the ability to schedule and control the deployment of virtual machines, and more. As the upstream development project for Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization, oVirt’s integrated virtualization enables cost savings for enterprises without the need to re-develop applications to conform to cloud platforms' APIs. oVirt also shares services with Red Hat’s cloud solutions including RDO, Red Hat's community OpenStack distribution, to improve key building blocks for private and public cloud deployments and allow upstream developments to make their way into Red Hat’s enterprise-hardened cloud and virtualization solutions.

Notable enhancements to oVirt 3.4 include:
· Improved storage, scheduling and management: oVirt 3.4 is designed to manage multiple storage domains, allowing users to mix different types of shared storage in the same datacenter. Virtual machine availability has also been enhanced, as the oVirt Engine can now provide high availability to VMs in the event of a host failure, and the oVirt Manager can flag individual VMs for high availability. Network processes and configuration have been simplified in oVirt 3.4, offering multi-host network configuration, reduced number of steps to reflect a definition change and new networking labels to differentiate host interfaces.

· Expanded developer features: This newest release will allow developers to apply affinity and anti-affinity rules to VMs to manually dictate when VMs should simultaneously run on one hypervisor, or separately on different hypervisor hosts. They will also be able to manage a wider variety of storage options, including NFS, iSCI, POSIX, as well as GlusterFS and FibreChannel storage domains. Multi-host network configuration will enable administrators to modify networks already provisioned by hosts and apply those changes to all hosts within a datacenter, and power-saving rules can shut down and power up hosts as needed.

· Hosted engine and hot-plug CPUs: New clustered solutions in oVirt 3.4 enable users to configure multiple hosts while running their oVirt engine inside a virtual machine. The ability to add and remove virtual resources to a virtual machine is critical in any virtualization environment, and oVirt 3.4 gives system administrators this freedom with an added preview of a hot-plug CPU feature. oVirt 3.4’s hot-plug CPU enables users to meet customer service-level agreements and dynamically scale virtual machine compute resources without restarting the virtual machine.

oVirt 3.4 also provides cross-architecture capabilities not found in most competing virtualization platforms, including a preview of PPC64 support, thanks to efforts from IBM and the El Dorado Research Center in Brazil. Efforts continue to integrate oVirt with other projects and solutions that users want, such as oVirt guest agents for openSUSE and Ubuntu.

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