Hear how Citrix partner Teba Group delivered Citrix Cloud to one of Australia's top Telco's, resulting in a savings of $280,000 per year off their bottom line, and 2.5 staff over a 3,000 seat environment.
Read MoreEnter for your chance to win one of nine VIP experiences including a trip for you and friend to attend Intel Extreme Masters in the 9th Gen Intel Core i9 Processor Dreamstakes. Winners will also get the latest 9th Gen Intel® Core™ i9 processor and walk away with exclusive swag. Runners up will receive one of hundreds of Green Man Gaming Gift Cards. Enter for your chance to win starting May 1st 2019. Visit https://corei9.intel.com/ to enter now.
Read MoreFounders Federal Credit Union utilizes Dell EMC’s Data Protection Software and Data Domain at their disaster recovery sites for critical data protection and recovery.
Read MoreAll data initiatives, whether machine learning, visualisation or reporting, rely on clean data. Which means that data preparation is essential to any data-driven organisation. Increasingly, businesses are adopting new solutions to increase the accessibility of data preparation (and reduce the time involved) in a governed, secure manner—no longer is this process considered a job for only IT or highly-skilled technical teams, but rather one that spans a variety of different users, in particular...
Read MoreNew storage, data management and data protection solutions give customers the performance, agility and scalability they need to store, protect and maximize their data capital.
Read MoreNew solutions equip customers to take advantage of today’s most important, transformative trends including 5G, AI, cloud and security.
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