Myspace, migration, and why it pays to pay attention to ‘dull’ data policies

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The world runs on data. Everyone has their own data that keeps their world spinning. Personal data and content data (music, photos, files and videos) keep our achievements and our memories alive. And data keeps our business world spinning too, from customer data to online content. So, what happens when all this data is lost, destroyed or otherwise unrecoverable? As Myspace and their users have discovered, it’s not good. When that lost data is integral to your business, it goes from data...

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Redefining Your Data Team’s Roles & Responsibilities for Data Prep Success

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All data initiatives, whether machine learning, visualisation or reporting, rely on clean data. Which means that data preparation is essential to any data-driven organisation. Increasingly, businesses are adopting new solutions to increase the accessibility of data preparation (and reduce the time involved) in a governed, secure manner—no longer is this process considered a job for only IT or highly-skilled technical teams, but rather one that spans a variety of different users, in particular...

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Disaster recovery is dead

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We live in fast times. So fast in fact that a recent Google study showed that over half of users will abandon a website if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load. Any online business knows if the website goes down, users will simply check out the competition and get the product/service they want elsewhere. By Eran Brown, CTO, EMEA, InfiniDat.

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Disaster recovery, what’s stopping you?

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Unfortunate tech glitches can come at a high price for businesses. According to analyst group, Gartner, the average cost of IT downtime is approximately £4,400 per minute. But it’s not just the cost of the downtime that businesses need to worry about. There’s also the reputation of the business and the angry customers threatening to take their business elsewhere if the situation is not quickly resolved. By James Smith, Hosting Solutions Director, M247.

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Maximised product uptime is the future, and the future is now

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As with the proverbial chicken and egg, innovation and customer demand for an innovation present an interesting quandary into which came first. Whether the shift to servitisation – where manufacturers shift from strict product sales to selling the outcome a product delivers – is down to innovation in the industry or customer demand is one for debate. By Gill Devine, VP EMEA, Syncron.

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Security alert overload: the real cost of alert fatigue

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IT security professionals continuously have to tackle high levels of security alerts in the global cybersecurity space. The volume of alerts is increasing at an alarming rate making it difficult for IT to manage and maintain. By Eldad Chai, SVP Product Management, Imperva.

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How Clifton College solved its data backup problems

Clifton College is one of the UK’s leading co-educational independent schools. Cristie Data provides the Bristol-based private school with a fully managed, scalable and reliable cloud backup solution that protects pupil data and can easily scale to meet future data growth.

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