Spotlight Sessions zu aktuellen CIO-Themen, interaktive Podiumsdiskussionen und spannende Keynote-Vorträge machen Konferenzen zu einem Pflichttermin für IT-Profis
Read MoreDie Gewährleistung hoher Ausfallsicherheit der eigenen IT-Infrastrukturen bleibt für viele Unternehmen ein frommer Wunsch, der meist schon an den finanziellen Rahmenbedingungen scheitert. Schließlich setzt diese maximale Redundanz und hoch performante Hardware-Komponenten in mehrfacher Ausführung voraus, was wiederum sehr hohe Investitionen nach sich zieht. Viele Unternehmen vertrauen den Betrieb ihrer Infrastrukturen daher Drittdienstleistern an und greifen vor allem auf...
Read MoreBanks and merchants are struggling to keep pace with the threat environment, but collaboration is a way to get an edge.
Read MoreZero-install, cloud-ready WatchGuard Dimension instantly distils ‘oceans of security data’ into key insights and trends.
Read MoreCapgemini Consulting, in partnership with MIT Sloan Management Review, has announced the findings of a new global research survey into Digital Transformation – the opportunity for radical business change offered by the convergence of new digital technologies such as social media, mobile, analytics, and embedded devices. The study, “Embracing Digital Technology: A New Strategic Imperative,” reveals that while the potential opportunity of Digital Transformation is absolutely...
Read MoreCorero Network Security has entered into an agreement under the Strategic Alliance Program with Neustar, Inc, an information services company and leading provider of cloud-based DDoS protection services. As a Neustar Strategic Alliance Program partner, Corero enables its customers to extend the power of its on-premise always on protection with the added security and flexibility of Neustar's on-demand, cloud-based DDoS protection services to combat growing cyber threats.
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