Die Suite bietet Unternehmen und Serviceprovidern skalierbare und flexible virtualisierte Sicherheitslösungen für Cloud-Datenzentren
Read MoreLancope, Inc., a leader in network visibility and security intelligence, has announced the results of a Ponemon Institute report entitled, “Cyber Security Incident Response: Are we as prepared as we think?” Findings show that while security threats are imminent, CEOs and other members of the management team are in the dark about potential cyber-attacks against their companies. The research also shows that, as a result, Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs) often lack...
Read MoreSecurity Gateway Module boosts the 61000 data centre security system to 400Gbps throughput.
Read MoreHighlights Dell’s commitment to increasing channel engagement for professional services.
Read MoreThe Cisco 2014 Annual Security Report reveals that threats designed to take advantage of users’ trust in systems, applications and personal networks have reached startling levels. According to the report, a worldwide shortage of nearly a million skilled security professionals is impacting organizations’ abilities to monitor and secure networks, while overall vulnerabilities and threats reached their highest levels since 2000.
Read MoreEmulex Corporation says that IRESS, a global provider of comprehensive financial securities and wealth management systems, is deploying the EndaceProbe™ Intelligent Network Recorder (INR) and the EndaceVision™ software suite to improve the network performance and security monitoring capabilities in its data centres, the first of which is located in Sydney, Australia.
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