5G Speeds will be 13 times higher than the Average Mobile Connection.
Read MoreOrange Business Services has chosen Ekinops and Dell Technologies as partners for a new universal customer premise equipment (uCPE) solution. This platform plays a key role in network transformation, including software defined networking (SDx), providing customers with increased business agility, flexibility and simplicity in service deployment. Orange will deliver solutions based on this uCPE to mid-market and large enterprise customers worldwide starting in 2020.
Read MoreLandmark release will open up new opportunities for airlines and mobile network operators, delivering a seamless ground-to-sky experience for passengers, while minimizing airline investments in technology upgrades.
Read MoreFSP 150-XG400 Series removes metro bandwidth bottlenecks and offers easy route to MEF 3.0-certified 100G services.
Read MoreDell EMC Virtual Edge Platform will help BT’s global customers deploy network services and applications quickly, easily and cost-effectively.
Read MoreTelekom Slovenije, the leading Slovenian provider of the most advanced ICT solutions, and Iskratel, the leading European solution provider for the digital transformation of industries, have launched a cooperation in the development of 5G networking solutions.
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