Wie drei große Trends die Netzwerklandschaft verändern - von Alexander Thiele, Director Networking Deutschland bei Dell in Frankfurt am Main

Konvergente Infrastrukturen, softwaredefinierte Netzwerke, verteilte Architekturen: Drei innovative Konzepte bieten Unternehmen mehr Offenheit und Flexibilität. 

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DCS Awards: Und die Gewinner sind... 

Am Donnerstag, den 23. Mai, fand im Millennium Gloucester Hotel und Konferenzzentrum im Herzen von London vor über 300 Gästen aus ganz Europa die DCS-Preisverleihung (Auszeichnungen für Rechenzentrumslösungen) statt.  Der Galaabend bot einen heiteren Auftritt von Komiker Sanderson Jones und Musik von AudioBox. Moderator der DCS-Preisverleihung, die in diesem Jahr von Ark Data Centres unterstützt wurde, war Paul Trowbridge EVITO, dem Schwesterunternehmen von...

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Managed Services & Hosting Summit 2013 – initial sponsors and keynote announced

Sponsors include: AVG, Autotask, Dot Hill, EVault, Gigamon, Interxion and Tarmin; Tiffani Bova, VP and Distinguished Analyst at Gartner Research, will provide the opening keynote.

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Wearable tech will drive the rise of the ‘human cloud’ of personal data

Rackspace Hosting has announced findings of an in-depth study into the use of wearable technology and its impact on consumers and businesses. The research finds that, although only 18 per cent of UK and US respondents have actually used wearable technology, 82 per cent of those users in America and 71 per cent in Britain believe that these cloud-powered devices have enhanced their lives.

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Bull signs service contract with the Tele Columbus Group

The five year contract will ensure the stability of IT operations at the Berlin-based cable network company and allow support times to be extended - end customers will benefit.

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Deutsche Telekom will deploy Nokia’s optical transport portfolio to deliver a higher-capacity,...
Enabling enterprises to spin up MultiCloud AppWANs on demand.
Best performer in Dell network scoops 2014 EMEA OEM Partner of the Year award.
Dell EMC Open Networking switches pair with PowerEdge 14th generation servers and...
An overwhelming majority of senior executives across the world’s largest organisations accept...
SSE Enterprise Telecoms' network services are now available at a further 30 BT exchanges located...
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Ethernet gets legal thumbs up

More and more leading enterprises are moving to smarter more cost efficient Interconnect solutions, listen to why Wrigleys Solicitors in the UK chose Mellanox’s Ethernet solutions.

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