86.6% of businesses prioritise employee empowerment in their future workplace.
Read MoreSolarWinds has revealed the findings of an IDC InfoBrief, sponsored by SolarWinds, Accelerating Transformation with Security and Operations Collaboration Best Practices. Based on in-depth conversations with IT/development and security professionals across numerous sectors—paired with relevant IDC quantitative data—the resulting analysis delivers highly actionable insights to boost operational and security performance.
Read MoreInstitution leverages digital workspace solutions to fuel new models for learning, deliver superior experience for students and staff in face of COVID-19 pandemic.
Read MoreThe ability of organizations to realize business value from data increasingly depends on their capacity to collect, process, store and analyze it at the Edge, new research from Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company, suggests.
Read MoreSupply chain processes present a challenge to almost any business. For companies going through mergers and acquisitions, however, it is even more complex as the newly combined organisation tries to streamline multiple existing processes.
Read MoreDell Technologies has released results from a global study that shows organizations are shifting their digital transformation programs into high gear and are on the path to accomplish in a few months what would normally have taken them years. The findings, updated biennially in the Dell Technologies’ Digital Transformation Index (DT Index), indicate organizations are accelerating transformational technology programs during the global COVID-19 pandemic.
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