Law firm Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP is always looking out for ways to improve firm efficiency and data is top of their agenda. With the help of data consultancy Trovus, they are evolving their insights and coming up with new ways to get their Fee Earners and Business Development department on board and engaged.
Read MorePower management company Eaton has launched the RE Series IT racks as part of its IT infrastructure solution offering. These highly-featured affordable racks are designed for network closet and small server room applications, and build on Eaton’s popular existing range of racks for small, medium and large data centres. In a market segment that is traditionally light on features, the RE racks offer a rich set of features including casters, grounding kit, step-less positioning rails, U...
Read MoreWhen new legislation or industry regulation requires compliance changes to be made to an organization’s mainframe applications, 39% of CIOs on average choose to outsource application development and testing today.
Read MoreMimecast has announced services to support enterprises moving to Microsoft Office 365 by directly addressing risks associated with data redundancy, high availability and the need for protection against targeted attacks. Mimecast’s new services build on Office 365’s key benefits – lower total cost of ownership (TCO), greater agility, reduced complexity and improved collaboration – by providing CIOs with a range of additional cloud services that mitigate the risk of moving...
Read MoreFour new appliances and integrated systems help companies of all sizes quickly stand up workload-specific applications and infrastructure.
Read MoreSecond generation of Forward! system combines high-availability and reliability features with scale-up and scale-out options for cloud, ERP, big data and analytics applications.
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